The Power of Black and White Thinking in Personality

Black & white thinking is a pattern of thought that causes people to think in absolute terms. Learn how this type of thinking affects personality & how it can be beneficial.

The Power of Black and White Thinking in Personality

Black and white thinking is a pattern of thought that causes people to think in absolute terms. This type of thinking can be seen in those who choose black as a color, as they tend to enjoy prestige and power, while also being artistic and sensitive. On the other hand, those who think in black and white terms are often independent, strong-willed, and determined, striving for control in their lives. However, this type of thinking can be a symptom of a mental illness such as borderline personality disorder (BPD).In everyday life, black and white thinking can prevent us from experiencing the richness of our lives and relationships.

As a black personality, you may enjoy creating an aura of mystery that draws others to you. But when you think in binary terms, you may become too self-critical or refuse to see your flaws. The official psychological term for black and white thinking is “division”. At its extremes, division can be a symptom of a mental illness such as borderline personality disorder (BPD).

In everyday environments, it can simply prevent us from experiencing some of the richness of our lives and relationships. Black is often associated with evil, while white is related to what is just, good, and peaceful. By conditioning yourself to see things in more binary terms, black and white thinking can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, making it even more difficult to perceive nuances. People with BPD experience intense black and white thinking, which can affect their perceptions of their relationships with others and with themselves. Using the visual balance of black and white with an accent color leads to powerful messages and is a useful strategy when you want to draw attention to a specific object or create a visual “pop”. Black is also associated with intelligence (black horn-framed glasses), professionalism (suit and briefcase), mourning, and mystery. Some black and white thoughts are normal, but persistent dichotomous thinking patterns are associated with a number of conditions.

It is worth seeking out a therapist if you're going through a difficult time or if you feel distressed in any way because of it. In conclusion, black and white thinking can be beneficial when used correctly. It can help us focus on our goals and strive for power and prestige. However, it can also lead to self-criticism or difficulty accepting criticism from others. It is important to remember that there are nuances in life that should not be overlooked.

Cathleen Wheeley
Cathleen Wheeley

Passionate communicator. Unapologetic food fan. Incurable social media nerd. Friendly tv junkie. General beer lover. Typical tv guru.

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