How Do Agencies Set Their Prices for Social Media Management?

Learn about how agencies decide their prices for social media management services and how social media analytics can help them retain key accounts.

How Do Agencies Set Their Prices for Social Media Management?

In addition to the fee, an agency places a surcharge on the price of all external service work used, such as typography, printing, photography, video production, etc. Hourly charging is the original method that advertising agencies use with their clients. The agency will charge a fixed hourly price and will track the number of working hours needed to complete the project. The benefit is included in the hourly rate and is usually charged to the customer once the work has been completed.

Another variation may be that the agency quotes a certain number of hours and the client pays them in advance with the billed overages after the project is completed. Agencies often use different rates for different specialists within the company, depending on market rates and the skill level of the person providing the service. If you've worked with marketing agencies in the past, you've probably come across several different pricing models. Deciding how to set your prices is often a key differentiator between running a scalable marketing agency and an agency that wastes time with back-and-forth phone calls and dissatisfied customer experiences.

However, improved technology and improved communications have allowed midsize marketers to perform almost the same level of work as large agencies, with significant savings. Next, we'll look at how various agencies value social media management, offer an alternative, and see which one best suits your agency. It's very common in the digital marketing industry for agencies to sell services that they don't really know how to do or that they don't offer in-house. Advertising agencies in the 1990s got a bad reputation for “filling the hours or not being very responsible with their clients' marketing money.

So how do agencies decide how much they charge for managing social media? How can social media analytics help agencies retain key accounts, increase customer sales, and gain new customers? It's hard to find a good financial combination when buying for an agency, so use factors such as fit, experience, creative approach, or business process to find agencies you want to work with. A similar topic has been raised in recent years with Internet marketing agencies, especially SEO agencies. Scalable social media marketing tools, such as automated marketing reports and having a customizable and transparent pricing plan, allow your agency to onboard, increase sales and scale in no time. First of all, it's worth noting that fee structures vary from agency to agency, and this largely depends on the services the agency provides.

To offer customers more solutions, marketing agencies resell services offered by other individuals or agencies. There are several reasons why you might consider this type of agreement with any agency you work with for social media marketing.

Cathleen Wheeley
Cathleen Wheeley

Passionate communicator. Unapologetic food fan. Incurable social media nerd. Friendly tv junkie. General beer lover. Typical tv guru.

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